Who am I...
A communication designer. I take a humanistic approach to design. Understanding the whole person allows me to create a meaningful and memorable design; an infusion of the design and subject. My purpose is to open people up to a potential beyond just imagination. I do this through self-actualization processes which equips others with the tools they need to move from stagnation to innovation by filling in the gaps of the imagination and creating tangible ways to execute their vision. For me it is important to bring imagination to life as well as striving to be the impetus for others to succeed in their journey.
My Identity mark reflects the duality I play as a designer and creative as a whole. The movement of the strokes also shows process of positive change and growth over time.
A constant thought that I play in my head is that “if you aren’t growing, you’re dying so choose life.” I believe that persistence is key, and time is precious, so critiquing what you pursue is vital so that the time used in creation becomes a memory worth reminiscing. Also, I believe in striving for perfection with all of its blemishes which may sound cliché but all of life’s successes are marked with scars that tells a story which to me is perfection, a wholeness. Integrity and mindfulness are always at the forefront of my actions as I believe in cycles; everything that is put forth is brought back. Using empathy as a compass when working with clients or any project is also part of my process and morals as well which ties into properly communicating, ebbing and flowing with the client.